"We’re here six mornings a week,” Reuel Olin reports. Zumba gets the credit for getting him hooked, Bob Grinchuk, he says, “was not an aficionado.”
“I have no rhythm,” Bob points out, adding, “It was embarrassing.”
In the six years since, the pair has sampled a variety of group exercise classes, finding a perfect fit in Hi-Low Cardio with Corrie. “We have a coterie of pals now,” says Bob, noting that while they are all of similar age with similar aches and pains, the regular exercise has contributed to the good health they enjoy in their 70s. “I think we’re probably more flexible and more invigorated,“ Reuel says.
“I can do more, and I am willing to try things I wouldn’t ordinarily,” confirms Bob. “Some people our age stay at home and nap all day. I think all the blood running through our brains makes us feel brighter!”
Reuel, recently sidelined with an injury, couldn’t wait to get back to his routine. “I was lethargic and boring! It’s just very much a part of our lives. I can’t ‘not’ be doing this.. It is a lifeline.”
And they want to make sure that others have the opportunity to be at the Y, as well. So, they contribute regularly to the Annual Campaign.
“The Y is not only for us,” Reuel points out. “We pay our dues, which are very reasonable for what we get. We don’t have a chance to see lots of kids, but here we see the girls in their tutus on Saturday morning, and the sweet toddlers and the old people, too. The Y supports everybody.”
Adds Bob, “We like that the Y provides scholarships. One of the reasons we give to the Y is to support youth.”