Feeding the Horses

At Raintree Ranch Summer camp, campers once a week have the
responsibility to rise early and feed the horses. For most it’s groggy walk
down the barn at 5:30am and they are usually in their pajamas and cowboy
boots. Campers help distribute hay and
fill hay nets. This only takes about
20-30 minutes and then we go back to bed for a little more shut eye before

Part of what we hope to teach all campers are what the full
responsibilities are in owning or caring for a horse. Feeding, grooming, washing, and exercising
are all important to keep a horse healthy, and sometimes that happens early in
the morning.

We even have some campers going for the highest bolo level
who get up 4 times a week to assist with the 5:30 feeding. The sun has just risen at this time and it is
a really beautiful and quiet time of day.