Notes from Tom
YMCA Overnight Camps: Marston • Surf • Raintree
Spring 2019

The snow kept falling. . . and when we woke up on the morning of February 19th, more than 16 inches of the white stuff had transformed Camps Marston and Raintree Ranch into a winter wonderland. For me, this was the second largest snowfall I’d seen in 29 years.
Several weekend groups and lots of 6th Grade School Camp kids enjoyed an amazing time making snowmen, throwing snowballs, sledding and taking in the stunning beauty.
Then, on Valentine’s Day in the middle of “I Love Camp” month, the rains and snow combined to fill Lake Jessop. In fact, for the first time since the 1980’s, we saw the lake level go up so high, so quickly, that water started flowing over the emergency/ secondary spillway. My spirits are always lifted with the full lake, knowing it brings fishing, canoeing, raft-building and stand-up paddle-boarding, along with that chorus of spring peepers and summer bullfrogs. We’ll be stocking fish in the next few weeks, consider bringing your pole on your next visit.
Annual Alumni Day
Saturday, June 15th is shaping up to be a wonderful day at Marston. On this, our annual Alumni Day, we’re dedicating the new Dining Hall into service.peepers and summer bullfrogs. We’ll be stocking fish in the next few weeks, consider bringing your pole on your next visit. Saturday, June 15th is shaping up to be a wonderful day at Marston. On this, our annual Alumni Day, we’re dedicating the new Dining Hall into service.
The ceremony starts at 11:30 (we promise to make it short) followed by lunch and camp tours. The Camp History & Archive Center will also be open that day, thanks to the efforts of Ed Greaves and Terry Bucknum.
Be sure to drop by and perhaps find pictures of your younger self from back-in-the-day. I hope to see many of you at Marston in June, for now always remember, "camp is camp and it’s all good!" — Tom Madeyski, District Executive
For more news from camp, see the Pines to Palms newsletter for alumni and friends of YMCA Overnight Camps.