YMCA Before and After School Sites Open September 17, 2014 for Families in Need of Emergency Childcare at No Cost; Two Major School Districts Holding Minimum Day(s) for Excessive Heat
WHAT: YMCA of San Diego County before and after school sites are opening our doors to families in need of emergency childcare on Sept. 17 without charge. With three major Schools Districts (National School District and Sweetwater School District) holding minimum days because of excessive heat, many children will need a place to go. Our before and after school sites will be available as needed until filled. If minimum days continue through the week, we will continue to be available for families in need.
The Y provides a supervised, safe, enriching environment through age-appropriate activities in an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment. We focus our work in three key areas, because nurturing the potential of kids, helping people live healthier and supporting our neighbors are fundamental to strengthening communities.
WHEN: Our locations will open at the time of minimum day school dismissals. Closing time varies per site. Parents should check the schedule at their school.
WHO: Students enrolled in affected schools within National School District and Sweetwater School District.
HOW: Parents can register their children at their school office. We will take as many children as possible until we reach capacity at each location.
WHERE: All affected schools in San Diego County where the Y has a program site.