Information for Youth Sports and Skills Assessments
Why do we have to attend assessments?
Assessments are not tryouts! Each player is put on a team. It is our goal during team selection to balance out age, height and skill. We run assessments to try to ensure league parity.
Do you know my child's assessment?
If your child played the same sport you are registering for, the PRIOR season, we have an assessment on their skill and they do not need to attend skill assessment.
If we don't attend assessments, does my child still get on a team?
If you do not make it to assessments there is NO guarantee we can put your child on a team, even if you've paid in full. You'll need to do a make-up assessment, and if we cannot get your child on a team, we will refund you in full.
Can you guarantee that my child can play with a friend, play for a certain team, or practice on a certain night?
The only thing we guarantee is that our volunteer coaches can coach their own child. All other requests we will do our best to accommodate, unless we feel it imbalances a league. You may tell us ONE night during the week on which you are unable to practice
What equipment does my child need?
Soccer: Shin guards are mandatory, soccer cleats and a soccer ball is recommended
Basketball: Tennis shoes or basketball shoes must be worn on the court, a basketball is recommended
Flag Football: Football cleats are recommended
Assessments Vs. Tryouts, what is the difference?
Assessments are utilized for our recreational league to simply assess what skill level your child is at to help best place them in our recreational league. No player is "cut" or turned away after assessments. Tryouts are for our competitive leagues to help identify children that would be a good fit for a more competitive environment. There are "cuts" after tryouts and those players can play return to our recreational league. It is highly encouraged that players who are not placed on the Competitive team to play another season in recreational sports and come back out the following season to tryout again.
Upcoming Assessments for Fall 2017
- Tuesday, September 19: Coed 5-6, 5:30-6:00pm
- Wednesday, September 20: Coed 7-9, 6:00-6:30pm
- Wednesday, September 20: Coed 10-12, 6:30-7:00pm
- Thursday, September 21: Coed 13-17, 5:00-5:30pm
- MAKE-UP: Thursday, September 21: 6-6:30 all ages
Flag Football
- Monday, September 18: Coed 5-6 • 5:00-5:30pm
- Monday, September 18: Coed 7-9 • 5:30-6:00pm
- Tuesday, September 19: Coed 10-12 • 5:00-5:30pm
- Tuesday, September 19: Coed 13+ • 5:30-6:00pm
- MAKE-UP: Wednesday, September 20: 5:30-6:00pm • all ages
Casey Fillipone, [email protected], 858-496-9622
- Saturday, September 23: Boys 13-17 and Girls 14-17 • 9:30am
- Saturday, September 23: Boys 9-12 • 10:30 am
- Saturday, September 23: Girls 10-13 • 11:30 am
- Saturday, September 23: Coed 5-6 and Boys 7-9 and Girls 7-9 • 12:30 pm
Tuesday, September 26: Ages 5-9 • 5-6:30pm
Wednesday, September 27: Ages 9-17 • 5-6:30pm
Soccer (at Clairemont High School)
Mission Valley Y: Susan Gould, [email protected], 619-298-3576