On February 7 the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) released its Minor Renovation and Repairs Request for Application (RFA) to preserve, enhance, or expand existing child care spaces.
Read the full RFA Here.
YMCA, Child Development Associates, SAY San Diego, and the Children’s First Collective are excited to offer a series of Technical Assistance sessions to support local child care programs interested in the Minor Renovations and Repairs Grant Program offered through the California Department of Social Services. Here are a series of technical assistance opportunities.
Session 1: Overview of Application Components & Requirements- Is This Opportunity Right for Me?
Learn about this grant opportunity, who is eligible, and what types of repairs and renovations are allowed.
Wednesday, March 2nd 6:30-8:30pm
Click Here for Eventbrite Link
Session 2: Application Assistance-I Am In, What Do I Need to Do?
This session will go over more details of the application process including required documents, information on your child care program, registrations with System for Award Management (sam.gov) and other government sites.
Monday, March 7th 6:30-8:30pm
Click Here for Eventbrite Link
Session 3: Budget Building & Accounting Practices
Walk through templates for building the required budgets for submission, requirements for banking and accounting of the money received through the grant, and whether you will need to obtain bids or estimates for expenses.
Wednesday, March 9th 6:30-7:30pm
Click Here for Eventbrite Link
Session 4: Contractor Selection
Learn about the process for selecting a contractor, obtaining bids for construction and how to obtain the necessary permits, if applicable.
Wednesday, March 9th 7:30-8:30pm
Click Here for Eventbrite Link
Session 5: Help Is Here For You!
Sign up for a session with a Children’s First Collective Partner that works best for you. Support is available to answer remaining questions and review applications before they are submitted. If interested in this support, please email [email protected].
Caring for children involves the whole community and we will work alongside you to improve the quality of your program. We offer a variety of trainings year-round and a team of child care experts at your service. For more information visit: Services for Child Care Providers.