On the roof of the Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA,
memories come rushing back.
The four men and a woman forming the letters of the organization's
name in pantomime, a la a popular disco group of the late '70s, are the
offspring of five of the Y's most ardent supporters. The offspring are
part of an annual fundraising project, Roof Raisers, their fathers
started four decades ago. It is the Y's primary source of financial
Bob Ayers, øåÈåÀ51, remembers being one of the first kids to swim in the
Y's pool. Paul Ecke III, 54, recalls an exciting Indian Guides program
in which he was Little Buffalo and his father was Big Buffalo.
Ann Harloff, 61, sees herself feeling like an outsider during her
first function as a member of the YMCA's board of directors 20 years
ago. http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/apr/25/children-spell-support-for-fathers-fundraising/