YMCA Youth & Family Services (YFS) is a branch of the YMCA of San Diego County devoted to social services. Our unique programming has been addressing San Diego’s most pressing social issues since 1970 and we continue to expand our services to adapt to our community’s needs.

We are focused on bringing about meaningful and lasting change in our youth and families by ensuring they have a safe place to live; by providing them with a reliable support system; by challenging them to pursue their goals; and by connecting them to resources needed to flourish. YFS now operates a variety of programs throughout San Diego County that combine to serve approximately 15,000 individuals each year. We focus our programs in the following four areas:


For more information about our services or to be connected to the right program for you, please contact our main office:
2929 Meade Ave
San Diego, CA 92116
P 619-281-8313
F 619-281-8324

Or contact YMCA Youth and Family Services on the website.