Servicios para proveedores
Con tantas exigencias para las familias de hoy y una mayor atención al desarrollo temprano del cerebro, las familias necesitan todo el apoyo para nutrir el potencial de los jóvenes. Es por eso que el cuidado infantil y los programas de educación temprana se centran en fomentar de manera integral el desarrollo del niño, al proporcionar un lugar seguro y saludable para aprender habilidades básicas, desarrollar relaciones de confianza saludables y fomentar el autoestima a través de los valores de la Y de cuidado, honestidad, respeto y responsabilidad. Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a las familias a que encuentren la mejor atención posible que satisfaga las necesidades de sus hijos. Nos comprometemos a ofrecer los mejores recursos a los proveedores de cuidado infantil para que las familias tengan opciones más confiables.

Subsidized Child Care Providers
Family Support Services and Stage 1
We offer three subsidized child care programs: Family Support Services, Stage 1 and Foster Bridge.
Eligible families can choose any licensed or exempt from licensing child care provider that best meets the educational and developmental needs of their child(ren).

Tools For Child Care Providers
CCIP and More
Opening your home to children who need the nurturing environment and support of a trained child care professional is one of the most selfless acts you can do.
The California Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) is a free training and support program for individuals who want to start a child care at their home.

Training and Workshops
For Child Care Professionals
At the Y, we offer trainings and workshops on child care techniques so people can become professional child care providers.

Starting a Child Care
With the YMCA
YMCA Childcare Resource Service can give you the tools to be the best child care provider possible and help you learn how to start your own child care service or become a provider for any of our programs.

Improving Child Care Quality
With Supportive Programs and Trainings
We offer a variety of child care education and support programs to enhance caregiving skills and knowledge.