Your family can count on Dan McKinney Family YMCA to ensure your child is having fun in a safe, nurturing environment. The Y offers single day, weekly and specialty camps to meet the needs of parents and match the interests of our campers.
Since 1882, our camps have inspired kids with countless opportunities to laugh, lead and make lasting friendships.
- Register Online — We have invested in new technology, and signing up online is the best way to secure your top picks. Make sure your new account is ready to register.
- Register in Person — Directions Here
- Register by Phone — (858) 453-3483
- View the digital version of our branch camp guide here.
To receive the Y member rate for any program, your membership must be active throughout the duration of the registered program session(s), otherwise the non-member fee will be applied. Learn more about the benefits of becoming a Y member, and join us today!
- Up to 15% off day camp and up to 10% off overnight camp. This rate also applies to active members who have not yet upgraded to one of our new membership plans.
- Up to 10% off day and overnight camps.
Please note that you must create a My Y account in order to register. If you are new to the Y, you can set up your account now. If you already have an account, please log in prior to registering to make sure your profile is complete with payment method, valid email address, child's birth date and full name, etc
When you're ready to fill your cart, open a tab to our program finder, and log in to your My Y account. Find your camp selections quickly by typing in (or copying/pasting) the SEARCH CODE (e.g. CPSPEC28).
Learn more about our day camps! Check out the camp descriptions below.
Traditional camps are ultra-spirited, fun-filled camps with weekly themes that guide activities for the week. New experiences, skill building, a sense of community and lasting friendships are all part of traditional day camp experience. When you're ready to register, here's a shortcut to all traditional camps at Dan McKinney Family YMCA, or go straight to the program finder and type or copy/paste a search code (e.g., CPTRAD28) into the search bar to zero in on your camps.
ADVENTUREAge 10-13 | SEARCH CODE: CPADV28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $429 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $365 |
HIGH FIVESAge 5 | SEARCH CODE: CPHF28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $392 | Y Community Member: $353 | Y Community Plus Member: $334 |
NAVIGATORSAge 7-9 | SEARCH CODE: CPNAV28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $429 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $365 |
SPLASHAge 6-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPSPLSH28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
TRADITIONAL EXTREMEAge 5-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPTRADEX28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
CIT/LIT TRAININGAges 13-17 | SEARCH CODE: CPCITT28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $322 | Y Community Member: $290 | Y Community Plus Member: $274 |
CIT/LIT RENEWALAges 13-17 | SEARCH CODE: CPRENEW28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $158 | Y Community Member: $143 | Y Community Plus Member: $135 |
CIT FIELDWORKAges 16-17 | SEARCH CODE: CPCITF28 FIND SESSIONS Please note: Training / Renewal must be completed each year before participating in placement. Nonmember: $50 | Y Community Member: $0 | Y Community Plus Member: $0 |
LIT FIELDWORKAges 13-15 | SEARCH CODE: CPLITF28 FIND SESSIONS Please note: Training or Renewal must be completed each year before participating in placement. Nonmember: $114 | Y Community Member: $103 | Y Community Plus Member: $99 |
Does your child have a specific interest or hobby? Looking for a camp that specializes in sports or STEM? Browse through the specialty camps section for camps that combine the traditional fun of YMCA day camps with the more specialized skills by providers or YMCA experts. When you're ready to register, here's a shortcut to all specialty camps at Dan McKinney Family YMCA, or go straight to the program finder and type or copy/paste a search code (e.g., CPSPEC28) into the search bar to zero in on your camps.
ALL THINGS CRAFTSAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPATC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $371 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
ANIMALS GALOREAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPANGL28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $266 | Y Community Member: $240 | Y Community Plus Member: $227 |
ANIMALS GALORE JRAges 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPANGLJ28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
ARCHERYAges 8-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPARCH28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $449 | Y Community Member: $405 | Y Community Plus Member: $382 |
BASEBALLAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPBBL28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
BASKETBALLAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPBSK28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
BEACH VOLLYBALLAges 9-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPBVB28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
BIG MESSY ARTAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPBMA28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $371 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
BUILD, TEST, BATTLEAges 7-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPBTB28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $449 | Y Community Member: $405 | Y Community Plus Member: $382 |
CHEERAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPCH28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
CIRQUEAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPCQ28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
CODING CONQUERERSAges 9-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPCODC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $449 | Y Community Member: $405 | Y Community Plus Member: $382 |
COOKING AND CHEMISTRYAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPCKCH28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
COOKING ALL AROUND THE WORLDAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPCKAAW28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
COOKING TASTY TREATSAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPCKTT28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
DANCEAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPDNC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $371 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
DODGEBALLAges 7-8 | SEARCH CODE: CPDGB28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
EDIBLE SCIENCEAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPES28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $255 | Y Community Member: $230 | Y Community Plus Member: $217 |
EXTREME GAMINGAges 8-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPEXTG28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
EXTREME KIDSAges 8-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPEXT28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $449 | Y Community Member: $405 | Y Community Plus Member: $382 |
FLAG FOOTBALLAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPFLGF28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
FLOOR HOCKEYAges 9-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPFH28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
FUTSOLAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPISCR28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
GAGAAges 7-8 | SEARCH CODE: CPGGB28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $240 | Y Community Member: $216 | Y Community Plus Member: $204 |
Gymnastics AAges 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPGYMA28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $405 | Y Community Member: $365 | Y Community Plus Member: $345 |
Gymnastics BAges 8-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPGYMB28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $405 | Y Community Member: $365 | Y Community Plus Member: $345 |
Harry PotterAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPHP28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $371 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
Hike & ClimbAges 8-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPHC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $278 | Y Community Member: $251 | Y Community Plus Member: $237 |
Hook, Line & SinkerAges 8-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPHLS28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $517 | Y Community Member: $466 | Y Community Plus Member: $440 |
Ice SkatingAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPIS28 FIND SESSIONS Please Note: Campers should bring or wear socks each day. If you don't have a helmet, one will be provided. Nonmember: $517 | Y Community Member: $466 | Y Community Plus Member: $440 |
LEGO BuildersAges 7-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPLGB28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $372 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
LEGO Builders Jr.Ages 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPLGB28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $266 | Y Community Member: $240 | Y Community Plus Member: $227 |
LEGO Minecraft EngineeringAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPLGME28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $449 | Y Community Member: $405 | Y Community Plus Member: $382 |
LEGO MindstormAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPLGMR28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Little ArtistsAges 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPLART28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Little ChefsAges 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPLCH28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Little GardenersAges 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPLGRD28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Little ScientistsAges 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPLSC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Little SuperheroesAges 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPLS28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Musical TheaterAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPMT28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $449 | Y Community Member: $405 | Y Community Plus Member: $382 |
Ninja WarriorAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPNW28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $405 | Y Community Member: $365 | Y Community Plus Member: $345 |
OCEAN DISCOVERYAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPOD28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $517 | Y Community Member: $466 | Y Community Plus Member: $440 |
Ooey Gooey ScienceAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPOGS28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $372 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
Outrageous ArtAges 8-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPOART28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $372 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
Outrageous ScienceAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPOSC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $372 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
PaintballAges 8-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPPNTB28 FIND SESSIONS Please note: Although all paintball guns are checked by the referees and set for safety at a velocity of 250-feet per second or less, some hits may still cause bruising. Nonmember: $536 | Y Community Member: $483 | Y Community Plus Member: $456 |
PaintingAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPPAINT28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
ParkourAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPPRK28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $405 | Y Community Member: $365 | Y Community Plus Member: $345 |
PhotographyAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPPHT28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $372 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
PickleballAges 9-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPPKLB28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
PokémonAges 7-10| SEARCH CODE: CPPKM28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $372 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
Power Team GymnasticsAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPPGT28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $405 | Y Community Member: $365 | Y Community Plus Member: $345 |
Radical Reptiles & FriendsAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPRR28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Radical Reptiles & Friends Jr.Ages 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPRRJ28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Rookie SportsAges 5-6 | SEARCH CODE: CPRS28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
SeaWorldAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPSWLD28 FIND SESSIONS Please note: SeaWorld Fun Card included at the end of the camp week. Nonmember: $517 | Y Community Member: $466 | Y Community Plus Member: $440 |
Slime FactoryAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPSF28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $372 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
SoccerAges 7-8 | SEARCH CODE: CPSC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
Space AcademyAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPSPAC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Star WarsAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPSW28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $372 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
SurfAges 8-13 | SEARCH CODE: CPSRF28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $544 | Y Community Member: $490 | Y Community Plus Member: $463 |
TAYLOR SWIFT — ERAS CAMPAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPSWFT28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $412 | Y Community Member: $372 | Y Community Plus Member: $351 |
TENNISAges 7-8 | SEARCH CODE: CPTEN28 FIND SESSIONS Please note: This camp will travel to a local campus tennis court for instruction. Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
TOP CHEFAges 8-11 | SEARCH CODE: CPTC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
Under the SeaAges 5-7 | SEARCH CODE: CPUTS28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
VOLLEYBALLAges 9-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPVB28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $240 | Y Community Member: $216 | Y Community Plus Member: $204 |
WaterpaloozaAges 8-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPWTRP28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $430 | Y Community Member: $387 | Y Community Plus Member: $366 |
WOODWORKINGAges 7-10 | SEARCH CODE: CPWW28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $449 | Y Community Member: $405 | Y Community Plus Member: $382 |
Y-LIMPICSAges 7-12 | SEARCH CODE: CPOGC28 FIND SESSIONS Nonmember: $388 | Y Community Member: $350 | Y Community Plus Member: $330 |
About Us
Our Branch
Dan McKinney Family YMCA
Address: 8355 Cliffridge Ave., La Jolla, CA, 92037
Phone: (858) 453-3483
Camp Locations and Hours of Operation
Torrey Pines Elementary School
Address: 8350 Cliffridge Ave La Jolla, CA 92037
Camp Hours:
Full day: 8:00am–4:00pm
Drop-off: 8:00–9:00am | Pick-up: 3:15–4:00pm
Extended Care: 4:00–6:00pm*
*Extended care is included for camp sessions three days or less and will be an extra fee for camp sessions four days or more.
Directors and Supervisors
Hannah Lewis
Camp Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (858) 453-3483 ext. 1832
Reese Kirkpatrick
Camp Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (858) 453-3483 ext. 2662
About Our Staff
Dan McKinney Family YMCA takes pride in hiring the best people to fill our camp staff. Each camp leader was hand-selected through an extensive hiring process to ensure the safest environment for everyone. Staff training includes CPR and First Aid certification, transportation safety, behavior management and bully prevention, child protection and abuse prevention, field trip and off-site safety procedures, risk management/prevention and more.
At the time of registration, you may choose to:
- Pay in full (includes a $60 non-refundable deposit).
- Place a $60 non-refundable deposit at the time of registration. Deposit discounts may apply based on membership type.
- Balances will be due three weeks prior to the first day of camp.
- An active membership is required at the time of the program start date to receive the member pricing discount.
- Financial assistance is available through the Y's ACCESS scholarship program or through third party payment support.
Deposits are non-refundable but can be immediately applied as a deposit for another camp if space is available or applied to an already existing camp balance within the same season. See our Refund/Voucher/Transfer Policies for more information.
Here's what our parents tell us:
"My child came home so happy and didn’t want to leave at the end of the day. He said it was the best camp EVER and loved all his camp counselors!"
Day Camp Parent Manual
Check out our Day Camp Parent Manual for easy reference on what to expect and how to best prepare your camper for day camp. Additional information can be found on the YMCA of San Diego County Day Camp page.
Your family's safety is our top priority. We have implemented safety protocols that follow state and local guidelines. It's our priority to help your children enjoy a safe and fun program that builds lasting friendships.
Medical Release Form - Required
In order to register, all campers must have a current medical release form updated and submitted to the YMCA. Medical release forms can be updated through your My Y account in our Community Portal.
Vendor Waivers
Some specialty camps, particularly those that travel to an off-site location, require an additional vendor waiver. Camps that require a waiver to be completed will be contacted and provided the waiver before the start of camp.
Our Adaptive Camp Program is a designed to support youth with behavioral and developmental needs as it adapts the camp experience to your child's needs and abilities, allowing opportunities for all campers to learn new skills, form new friendships and create lifetime memories. Campers will participate in activities with our traditional and specialty camps based on their interests at a pace that works for them. Our smaller camper-to-staff ratio for Adaptive Camp supports positive inclusion and/or one-on-one support as needed. Space is limited.
PLEASE NOTE: Contact the Camp Director and/or Coordinator to initiate an enrollment request and help us prepare a great experience for your camper. We begin accepting enrollment requests on March 4, 2024 and strive to provide at least one week of camp to all interested families.
Camp Scholarships
Financial assistance is available to families who qualify. Applications are available at the service desk and online. Assistance is based on verified income and completed applications.
Apply for a Program Scholarship
More Policies
For more information about YMCA Day Camp policies, expectations and helpful information, visit our Day Camp Policy page.
Giving Back
For every session of camp, the Y provides program scholarships for families seeking financial assistance. This is made possible through the generosity of our community. If you wish to help a child go to camp, please see our Camp Director for information.
We love to hear from our campers and parents! Camp leadership teams use your feedback to make positive changes to our program. Please feel free to contact Camp Director Hannah Lewis at [email protected], with any questions, comments or concerns!