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YMCA Raintree Ranch

Raintree Ranch Alumni Fridays - August 17

Calling All Raintree Ranch Alumni!

All Raintree Ranch alumni are invited to join us for any of the Friday Horse Shows happening this summer during each week of camp!

Relive past heroics and camping adventures with your fellow alumni while our current campers perform on their mighty steeds at the end-of-camp Horse Show. Stick around after the show for the Bolo Tie Award ceremony and delicious barbecue lunch to chat with current staff and tour the old stompin' grounds at Raintree Ranch.

If you're interested in joining us for this event on Friday, August 17, please register using the form below so we can properly account for who is attending.

To find other dates you can attend, check out our events here.

Timeline for Event

  • 2:30 pm – Horse Show
  • 3:30 pm – Bolo Tie Award Ceremony
  • 4:00 pm – BBQ

Event Registration

Información Personal

How Do You Know Raintree Ranch?

Example: 1985-1989

Example: Camp counselor, attended as a camper, staff, etc.