Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA

20th Annual Bike-A-Thon

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Join a team and ride for an hour or captain your own team of riders at this fun and energetic event. Similar to last year, the event will be held in the outdoor courtyard to allow for physical distancing and proper airflow. Event proceeds support our 2022 Annual Campaign, which provides scholarships to underserved youth and families in our community.

Thank you for helping to lift up the lives of those who need it most in these historical times!

Riding Times:

7:00am - Instructors Steve & Julie W.
8:30am - Instructor Zephyr & Nancy
10:00am - Spin Sisters, Founders of Bike-A-Thon: Robin, Patty B. &Laura
11:30am - Instructor Susanne D. & Patty M.
1:00pm - Instructors Carolyn & Rachelle

Bike-A-Thon History

The Magdalena Ecke Family YMCA Bike-A-Thon was started in 2002 by YMCA stationary-cycling instructor, Robin Missailidis, and her team of “Spin Sisters,” Patty Barry and Laura Platenburg. They were looking for a way to get their community more involved in the YMCA's Annual Campaign, which helps raise money for YMCA scholarships and youth, families and seniors in need.

Participants in the inaugural event rode their stationary bikes for 3 straight hours and raised a respectable $1,100 for the YMCA's Annual Campaign. Thanks to the amazing support and dedication of our committee, team captains, riders and sponsors, the Bike-A-Thon has grown to raising a record-breaking $93,000 in 2019 - over half a million dollars raised over the years to help our Encinitas community.


Questions: Contact Paula Ford at [email protected].