Impact Reports: YMCA Community Support Services

By combining a deep understanding of social issues with quality program data, our experienced Communication and Research & Evaluation departments create resources useful for establishing best practices and educating stakeholders to guide optimal services for families and children. Use the links below to jump to a specific topic area:

Quality Early Learning

We strengthen communities by fighting for access to quality child care so children enter school ready to learn and thrive and parents can continue to earn wages that keep families strong.

Family Stability and Connections for Youth

We work with families and individuals to break cycles of conflict and instability and prevent disconnection in the form of youth homelessness, family conflict, and placement instability for foster youth.

  • Kinship Support Services — This impact report presents data and findings to highlight the needs of families in the YMCA’s County of San Diego-funded program to support kinship caregivers and the children in their care. 
  • Specialized Permanency Services — This data brief discusses findings from the YMCA’s program to increase social connections for youth in foster care.
  • Connections Project — This impact report presents data and results from the YMCA’s federally funded program to increase the well-being of foster youth and introduces the YMCA-developed CAAVE service delivery approach. 
  • Camp Trailblazers 2019 This impact report presents data and results from the YMCA's first-ever weekend camp for LGBTQ+ young adults.

Economic Stability and Mobility Among Under-Resourced Populations

We connect youth with meaningful career prospects and ensure all families have the opportunity to remain in the workforce and build career mobility, regardless of socio-economic status or barriers to employment.

Social Issue Summaries

Working with families to end poverty and heal from trauma puts us at the intersection of multiple, overlapping community issues. Brief summaries of some of those issues and other organizational highlights are included below:

Questions? Contact Us

If you have any questions about these documents or would like to speak with a representative from the YMCA of San Diego County's Community Support Services departments for partnership opportunities, email us.