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We are committed to supporting families in their search for quality, affordable and convenient child care options. Funded by the California Department of Education, Child Development Division, YMCA Childcare Resource Service offers free child care referrals and resources to families in San Diego County so parents and guardians can make informed decisions about child care.
Child care centers and family child care homes are licensed and inspected by the California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Division. We receive monthly updates of active, licensed child care programs and include them in our referrals. Because every situation and family needs are unique, we do not make recommendations regarding individual providers.

For More Information

We recommend families call the local Community Care Licensing office at (619) 767-2200 to schedule an appointment to review the licensing history and substantiated complaints of childcare providers

If you have questions or need more referrals, please contact the child care referral line at 1-800-481-2151 or e-mail [email protected]. Confidentiality of families and children is maintained at all times.

community support
Find out about family friendly events, parent caregiver support, community resources and more at your Y.

We are a social service department of the YMCA of San Diego County, providing free and low-cost services to the community with a focus on child care.