The Escondido YMCA operates a full gymnastics center, sports clinics, TAY Services and several child care sites in the Escondido Union School District. We continue to support the Escondido community in new and evolving ways as we continue to identify ways to further serve our members. Learn more about the Y's involvement in the Escondido community.

Use the quick links below to find current programs and resources at our YMCA:

YMCA Community Support Services

The YMCA Community Support Services building is open to clients of YMCA Childcare Resource Service, YMCA Expanded Learning Programs, and YMCA Youth & Family Services by appointment only. Services include:

  • Child care provider support services
  • Child care referral services
  • Subsidized child care administration
  • Expanded Learning Programs operations for sites in North County
  • Mental and behavioral health services

Learn more about YMCA Community Support Services.

TAY Services: Drop-In Centers

Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Services’ drop-in centers are free, safe, inclusive, youth-led resource centers in North County San Diego. Located in the Strensrud Gymnastics Complex, we provide a space for youth to connect to community resources or simply hang out.

Hours: Monday - Friday, 2:00 - 6:00pm and Saturday-Sunday, 4:00 - 8:00pm.

For questions regarding the TAY drop-in center in Escondido, contact Sergio Soto, program director: 760-908-9373 | [email protected].

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1050 N. Broadway
Escondido, CA 92026
(760) 745-7490

Escondido YMCA and Gymnastics CenterFull Amenities

Better Together: Be a Part of Our Mission

The YMCA is a charitable, cause driven nonprofit. We are able to have the impact in our communities and on the lives of people because of those who dedicate themselves to making a difference. 

  • Join the Y: Be a part of a cause for strengthening community that is committed every day to helping you and your kids to learn, grow and thrive
  • Give to the Y: Donate vital financial resources for nurturing the potential of kids, improving your neighbor's health and well-being, and giving back and supporting the community
  • Volunteer with the Y: Take an active role in bringing about meaningful, enduring change right in your own neighborhood by volunteering
  • Advocate with the Y: Address the nation's most pressing social issues, with a nonprofit that has the long-standing track record and on-the-ground presence to not just promise, but deliver, lasting personal and social change

Did You Know?

622 homeless young adults and teens were served by the YMCA of San Diego County’s Youth & Family Services.

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Get Involved

Take an active role in bringing about meaningful, enduring change right in your own neighborhood.

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Our Partners

It is with deep gratitude that we recognize and acknowledge our partners for their continued dedication and support of the Y's mission.

See Our Partnerships

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